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MyWormNET is a home-made server software created to emulate the WormNET server. Featuring a built-in IRC and HTTP server, it is optimal for personal use.

Server installation

  1. Download MyWormNET and unpack it to a folder of your choice.
  2. Configure your server by editing WNServer.ini.
  3. Customize your login screen and IRC MOTD by editing wwwroot\index.html and motd.txt
  4. Run WNServer.exe to start the server.

Client configuration

In order to connect to your WormNET server, the players will need to customize their ServerList.htm file. An example of a customized file is provided in the ServerLobby folder; edit this file, distribute it to your users and instruct them to replace their graphics\ServerLobby\ServerList.htm file with your own.

Alternatively, you could get your server listed in the WormNET server list.


If the need arises, some of these limitations might be addressed in the future.

Running MyWormNET as a Windows NT Service

  1. Download and install the Windows Resource Kit Tools.
  2. Follow these instructions on How To Create a User-Defined Service.

Using MyWormNET with another HTTP server

If you already have an HTTP server running on the machine on which you plan to install MyWormNET, you will have make MyWormNET use a different HTTP port and set up a redirect on your HTTP server (since Worms: Armageddon always connects to the 80th port). For this purpose, I have provided a set of PHP scripts in the ASPRedirect folder - copy the wormageddonweb folder for your HTTP server (Apache/IIS) to your HTTP server's root WWW folder. Remember to make sure PHP is installed and assosiated with .asp files. You will also have to copy your customized index.html to your wormageddonweb folder.

Using MyWormNET with another IRC server

If the built-in IRC server doesn't satisfy your requirements, you can still use MyWormNET with a 3rd-party IRC server (such as UnrealIRCd). Simply disable the built-in IRC server in the configuration file.

MyWormNET and WormNAT

MyWormNET has been designed to be compatible with WormNAT. When a player using WormNAT connects to a MyWormNET server, the server instructs WormNAT to use a built-in proxy server. This works only if the built-in IRC server is enabled.

Using MyWormNET under Linux

The latest version of MyWormNET compiles under Linux FreePascal. I've also included a Linux binary; the Linux binary also seems to work fine under FreeBSD with Linux ELF support enabled.

Update history

May 5, 2009
Several improvements (stability updates, allows connecting from localhost when configured with external IP, etc.)
September 20, 2008
Expro released a MyWormNET modification with several new features
September 22, 2006
Update with several updates/bugfixes
March 4, 2006
MyWormNET released


You can configure MyWormNET by editing the WNServer.ini file.

Set this option to the address at which your server will be visible to the world (your external IP or hostname).
The port for the built-in IRC server; set to 0 to disable it (if you plan to use another IRC server software). Default value: 6667.
The port for the built-in HTTP server; if you set this to another value, you will have to redirect the requests sent by Worms clients to this port. Default value: 80.
The port for the built-in WormNAT proxy; set to 0 to disable it. The proxy does not use any common protocol, and is inaccessible to clients who do not make a prior request to use this proxy via the IRC server. Default value: 17018.
The name of your IRC channel. It should start with a # sign.
The password for the IRC OPER command. Currently OPERs have no special abilities; the MyWormNET server simply forwards OPERs system messages (for trouble-shooting, etc).



This software is FREEWARE and is distributed "AS IS" - this software is absolutely free, and the author is not responsible for any damages caused by the use or misuse of this software.

Please don't steal my work. You may use whatever part of this program for whatever non-commercial purposes, but give me credit (mention my name somewhere in the documentation or about dialog).


After I finished WormNAT, I had all the knowledge to write an WormNET server package. So I thought, why not write one? Heck, I was bored like hell. Or perhaps that last WormNET outage got to me...? :)

BIG thanks to ViruX for bearing with me and helping me test out this software, and try version after version, bugfix after bugfix ;)

The author of this program is Vladimir Panteleev (aka The_CyberShadow). Contact me by .